June 2, 2015 Meet the Middle East

Iran's Rouhani says Arabs and the West miscalculated in Syria

Tehran has provided arms, military advisers and financial support to its Damascus ally in its battle against the four-year-old rebellion that has increasingly become dominated by jihadists of both IS and Al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front.Leaders of the US coalition that has been waging an air war against IS in both Syria and neighbouring Iraq were meeting on Tuesday to review strategy after a string of recent advances by the jihadists.Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi was to brief them on his plans for recapturing the strategic western city of Ramadi.But Damascus remains boycotted by the coalition, whose policy continues to focus on recruiting and training moderate rebels to fight both regime forces and IS.
Source: Albawaba
Full Article: Iran's Rouhani says Arabs and the West miscalculated in Syria