June 13, 2015 Meet the Middle East

Dubai, Dubai, Dubai

I went to Dubai this weekend. I went to Dubai this weekend. I went to Dubai this weekend… still doesn’t seem real.

You know when people ask “if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?” and you say things like Dubai or Paris or somewhere amazing, not sure if you will ever actually get there? Well, my answer recently has been Dubai and the fact that I actually got to spend a couple of days there just blows my mind. What an awesome opportunity and one for which I am extremely grateful.

 Of course, this entire trip has been a blessing and a chance to broaden my knowledge and perspective. But Dubai, really?? Dubai. Expect lots and lots of pictures in this post.

So day one: we left Muscat around 530am, got to our hotel in Dubai about 8 hours later. My friends and I took a boat ride around Dubai Creek and had dinner on the boat that first night.

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Really pretty, relaxing night. Exhausted, we went to bed shortly after returning around 11pm.

The next day was a busy day, indeed! We began at the Dubai mall, one of the largest malls I have ever seen in my life! Four levels, a movie theater, an ice rink, a kids amusement park, an aquarium, fountains, and so many stores! We got there early in the morning so it was empty at first. We got there early because we had bought tickets to go up to the 125th floor of the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa.

Here’s the mall from the 125th floor of the tower (to the left of the water, that entire building!!!!)


From the 125th floor of the Burj Khalifa, you could see the entire city. It was absolutely stunning.

Like I said, I took a million pictures this weekend. Here are a few:

Driving into Dubai — that huge building, of course, is the Burj Khalifa


More of the Burj (Tower)

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And from the top…

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After the tower, we went to the gold souk (market). So much beautiful jewelry. Knowing we couldn’t afford anything, we didn’t go inside any stores but they all had great displays.

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Then, later that night, my roommate and I went out to a nightclub in Dubai and met up with a few other students from our group. It was fun to get dressed up and dress a little more liberally.


(Before going up to the club, some random girls asked us to join their group in VIP because they only had a few girls and they wanted to fill the space. Naturally, we agreed. The picture below is the view from the little VIP area)


We had about a day and half (plus the last morning) in Dubai. Although we didn’t have time to see and do everything, we had a lot of fun! The boat ride around the creek, the trip up the Burj Khalifa, the Dubai Mall, the souk, and the club all made for a great weekend. Definitely want to come back again some day, maybe if (when?) I’m rich and I can actually go shopping at the malls  ;P

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Source: The Other Rocky Mountains
Full Article: Dubai, Dubai, Dubai